There is no system of registration for copyright in
Malaysia. In marked contrast to patent rights, copyright begins automatically on the creation of a 'work' without the need for compliance with any formalities. The only prerequisites for protection, which apply to all works that is eligible is protected automatically upon fulfillment of
the following conditions :
i) sufficient effort has been made to make the work original
in character ;
in character ;
ii) the work has been written down, recorded or reduced to a
material form;
material form;
iii) the author is a qualified person ; or
iv) the work is made in Malaysia or the work is first published
in Malaysia.
in Malaysia.
Works eligible for protection are:
- literary works;
- musical works;
- artistic works;
- films;
- sound recordings;
- broadcasts; and
- derivative works.
These works shall be protected irrespective of their quality
and purpose for which they were created. However, the copyright
protection shall only extend to expression and not ideas, procedures, methods of
operation or mathematical concepts as such.
has already taken a number of steps toward updating its copyright laws to meet
the challenges of the internet era. In response to the explosion of the
internet industry, The Malaysian Copyright Act 1987 was replaced by the
Copyright Act 1997 which came into force on the 1st April 1999. The provision of the new Act makes
unauthorised transmission of copyright works over the Internet and infringement
of copyright. As for the definition of
the literary work, it now includes table of compilations “whether or not
expressed in words, figures of symbols and whether or not in a visible
The amended Act encompasses
some of the standards contained in the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and
Phonograms Treaty
(WPPT), such as recognizing
the copyright owner’s exclusive rights to control work that is transmitted via
wire or wireless means to the public, including making available this work to
the public in such a way that members of the public may access the work from a
place and at a time individually chosen by them.
This Act certainly would
help to overcome any effective technological measures aimed at restricting
access to work, removal or alteration of any electronics rights management
information without authority, or distribution, importation for distribution or
communication to the public, without authority, works or copies of works in
respect of which electronic rights management information has been removed or
altered without authority. All in all,
the new Act make it clear that an author has the right to be identified and has
moral right against any mutilation and distortion of his work.
These provisions are aimed
at ensuring adequate protection of intellectual property rights for companies
investing in the IT and multimedia environment.
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